サワコの朝 松本幸四郎 市川染五郎







(引用 地球の歩き方 )https://tokuhain.arukikata.co.jp/las_vegas/2016/01/post_180.html


(引用 地球の歩き方https://tokuhain.arukikata.co.jp/las_vegas/2016/01/post_180.html




『#大石最後の一日』#細川内記 。最後の#セリフ は「一同、#名残り が惜しいのう」。そこに#松本金太郎 という#名前 との別れを惜しむ気持ちも重なるのだそうです😌父や主人と比べればたったの#8年 ですが、それでも泣いたり笑ったり、様々な時を共に過ごし、#幼児 から#少年 へと日々成長していく道のりにいつも寄り添ってくれた#愛着 のある名前。『松本金太郎』がいてくれたから『藤間齋』が頑張れた時もあったのかなぁ🙄と母は勝手に感じています😄#四代目松本金太郎 、きっちり#完結 お願いします❗️ #KintaroMatsumoto #NaikiHosokawa #thelastline #timetopart #preciousname #8years #completion . ✴️#三代襲名 まであと38日

藤間園子/Sonoko Fujimaさん(@sonoko_kouraiya)がシェアした投稿 -


幸四郎さんの選んだ曲はStarshipの「WE BUILT THIS CITY」

We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

Say you don't know me or recognize my face Say you don't care who goes to that kind of place Knee deep in the hoopla sinking in your fight Too many runaways eating up the night

Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

Chorus: We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

Someone always playing corporation games Who cares they're always changing corporation names We just want to dance here someone stole the stage They call us irresponsible write us off the page

Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

It's just another Sunday, in a tired old street Police have got the choke hold, oh then we just lost the beat

Who counts the money underneath the bar Who rides the wrecking ball in to our rock guitars Don't tell us you need us, cause we're the ship of fools Looking for America, coming through your schools

(I'm looking out over that Golden Gate bridge Out on another gorgeous sunny Saturday, not seein' that bumper to bumper traffic)

Don't you remember ('member)('member)

(It's your favorite radio station, in your favorite radio city The city by the bay, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps)

Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

(We built, we built this city) built this city (We built, we built this city)

(Repeats out)